Conflict is not confined at the individual level alone but is manifesting itself more and more in organizations. 
  1. Conflict within an Individual: There could be conflict within oneself-the intra-personal conflict. Example - You may have an excellent job offer in a city you are not willing to go to.
  2. Conflict between Individuals: Conflict between individuals takes place owing to several factors, but most common are personal dislikes or personality differences. When there are only differences of opinion between individuals about task-related matters, it can be construed as technical conflict rather than interpersonal conflict. Of course, technical and interpersonal conflicts may influence each other due to role-related pressures.
  3. Conflict between an Individual and a Group: Intragroup conflicts arise frequently due to an individual's inability to conform to the group norms.
  4. Conflict between groups within an Organization: Intergroup conflicts are one of the most important types of conflict to understand, as typically, an organization is structured in the form of several interdependent task groups. Some of the usually chronic conflicts in most of the organizations are found at this level, e.g., Union vs. Management, one Union vs. another Union.
  5. Conflict between Organizations: Conflict between organizations is considered desirable if limited to the economic context only. The laissez-faire economy is based on this concept. It is assumed that conflict between organizations leads to innovative and new products, technological advancement, and better services at lower prices.