"Organizations that see disagreements as opportunities and resolve them effectively, stand out because of their strong capacity for innovation and success"

We must admit that we are living in the age of conflict. We all are surrounded with conflicts in one form or the other. More than 20% of current management bandwidth is estimated to be going on resolving one or the other types of conflict. As leaders, we tend to handle conflicts based on the methods we personally experienced through or observed in the past. The key question infront of us "Is it sufficient enough to handle growing complexity of conflicts around us?" 

Conflict is inherently neither good nor bad but simply has the potential to improve or impair an organization’s performance through its consequences. Conflict in certain forms can be functional or dysfunctional depending upon its nature, intensity, duration and the manner in which it is handled.

Current business environment warrants us to learn conflict management through a structured approach for the simple reason that "tendency to avoid conflict is not always productive and there are times when there is a need to stimulate conflict"

In this blog, we will learn about conflict management through below structured steps.

1. Types of conflict: Conflict is not confined at the individual level alone but is manifesting itself more and more in organizations. You can read more about it @ http://organizational-conflicts.blogspot.com/p/types-of-conflict.html

2. The four-stage conflict-process model is a very useful framework to understand the episode of any conflict. Below model will be able to describe and analyse conflict as chain of episodes and tend to unfold conflicts in a particular sequence. You can read more about ithttp://organizational-conflicts.blogspot.com/p/the-process-of-conflict.html

3. Different Views about Conflict: We will touch review about different views about conflict @ http://organizational-conflicts.blogspot.com/p/different-views-about-conflict.html

4. Potential Sources for Conflict: A large number of potential sources for conflict exist in organizational life as antecedent/pre-cursor conditions for some conflicts. Some of the for potential conflict are: You can read more about it @ http://organizational-conflicts.blogspot.com/p/sources-of-conflict.html

5. The impacts of conflict: Conflicts result in increased organization performance and help an organization to attain its goals may be termed as Functional. On the other hand, conflict that hinders an organization’s growth and prevents it from achieving its goals can be termed as Dysfunctional. Conflict in certain forms can be functional or dysfunctional depending upon its nature, intensity, duration and the manner in which it is handled. You can read more about it @ http://organizational-conflicts.blogspot.com/p/the-impact-of-conflict.html

6. Models for Conflict Stimulation and Resolution: When conflict level is too low, the unit performance is also likely to be low and there is a scope for a perceptive manager to stimulate conflict in order to enhance the performance of the group. 

Similarly, when the level of conflict is too high, conflict needs to be resolved so as to restore high performance and optimal level of conflict. So, we shall examine both the strategies of conflict management-stimulation as well as resolution.

You can read more about it @ http://organizational-conflicts.blogspot.com/p/s.html